Optimizing the battlespace for tactical networking at the edge
Viasat’s cutting-edge vertically integrated, end-to-end solutions deliver inherent competitive advantages
Our joint interoperable mission applications feature automatic connectivity, 清晰的声音, 高数据容量和弹性.
Viasat has created a portfolio of solutions for integrated tactical networking designed to provide secure and 有弹性的 communications to the warfighter operating far from home. Our solutions are capable of being set up and maintained autonomously, so personnel can focus on missions at hand as opposed to troubleshooting connectivity problems:
提供广泛的解决方案, Viasat components feature SDN routers, 多路径连接, 网络安全和电子战传感, 安全的多域技术, 混合云技术, network and radio orchestration tools, 以及基于AI/ ml的引擎.
The ability to establish and maintain tactical communications remains a critical requirement for any armed force executing their mission. 设计成一个真正的“智能”系统, 被保险人, 有弹性的, integrated network concept comprises a forward-compatible solution capable of supporting the critical connectivity requirements of armed forces operating at the edge today.
Looking for an innovative solution? 请告诉我们您的需求.
U的出现.S. Department of 国防 (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.